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< tilbage 19-04-2022 - 16:47

Roskilde Study Choir visits Broholm

Roskilde Study Choir sings madrigals at Broholm. Come to the free concert on Sunday 5th of June at 01.00 PM in Thorvaldsen Hall. It is possible to book a table for lunch before the concert or end with coffee and cake after.

A madrigal is a short lyrical text that originated in the early Renaissance. Gradually, the poems developed into polyphonic vocal movements and later became a kind of journeyman's letter for the composers of the time.

There are many directions in the field of madrigal music, but what they have in common is that the text is the prerequisite for the music, which can be described more as tone painting.

The music is light and cheerful, but also spiced with wild chords and crooked rhythms. In the poems about green dresses, apple blossoms, rye fields and the changing whims of the months, quite naughty messages are hidden, which the audience of the time let themselves be entertained with.

Shakespeare, who wrote a sea of ​​madrigals, knew this.

The Madrigals In the Roskilde Study Choir's program this afternoon range from the earliest madrigals to Danish songs that have traces of the tradition from the madrigals.


Register for the concert or book a table in the restaurant by writing to us by email: bro@broholm.dk or call us at +45 62 25 10 55.

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