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< tilbage 03-04-2022 - 09:42

Music Videos at Broholm Castle

Broholm Castle has provided background for various music videos.

Futte Fynbo - Skål Fyr

One person who has been at Broholm Castle and filmed is Futte Fynbo (Futte Funener). As the name implies, he sings himself: "Futte he was born on Funen and he is proud of that." At Broholm Castle, we are proud to be a gathering place on Funen, especially for families who have settled in different places around the country. Therefore, it was no surprise that he filmed at Broholm Castle. He continues: "Take a Classic down town ... Albani, Albani. Tapped fresh from the tap. Rinsed down in your mouth. Yum! Comfortable!" As he sings here, we support, just like him, locally, so at Broholm Castle we also sell Albani's Odense Classic among other things. In November 2020, Futte Fynbo's music video was released: Skål Fyr. Watch the danish music video from Broholm Castle here.

Kamma - Crying Again

In April 2022, Kamma released her music video for Crying Again. Kamma stays in several places at Broholm Castle when she sings about heartache. Luckily, the teddy bear she tears apart in our Doll Museum is a prop she had brought herself😉. Watch her music video from Broholm Castle here.

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